MF 24 Kingdom Regional A&S Faire

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Kingdom Regional A&S Faire

Registration Form Open!

In conjunction with the Magna Faire Open there is also a Kingdom Regional Arts and Sciences Faire where entries are judged with the same guidelines and caliber of judges as those of Kingdom Arts and Sciences. Artisans may choose to place one or all of their entries in one faire or both. The two faires run congruently so there is only one set up and display required. Regional Faire judges judge while Magna Faire is taking place. Please note that documentation is encouraged, but not required, for Magna Faire. Documentation is required for Regional and Kingdom Arts & Sciences Faires.*

Kingdom Regional A&S Documentation Requirements

Documentation is required for the Regional.  The Kingdom A&S office will assign judges and a judging time. Feedback from the judges provides artisans an opportunity to make adjustments and add enhancements to their project and documentation prior to Kingdom A&S. Watch for information on upcoming Regionals at the Barony of South Down’s Midwinter and the Barony of Glaedenfeld’s Iris Faire.

Contact for Kingdom Regional A&S Faire – Duchess Thorkatla at


Static Entry Guided Documentation DOWNLOAD

Guided documentation forms for Performing Arts Entries, Teens and Children may be found under the Arts and Sciences office on the Kingdom of Meridies  web page.

Documentation and Judging forms may be found HERE