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Magna Faire 2024EVENT INFORMATION HERE!! December 7, 2024. It’s not too early to start working on your Magna Faire entry. Overview, categories and rules  HERE.


Read the latest issue of the Barony of Iron Mountain’s newsletter, The Iron Baron HERE.


Monthly Business Meetings and Classes are held the first and third Thursdays of the month from 6:30 – 8 pm. Business Meeting are held via an online platform. The platform and sign in information will be posted before the meeting starts. Look for the topic and location of class night  HERE.

Upcoming Classes! Page updated weekly with Kingdom wide virtual social. Check out the weekly schedule and log in details HERE 

We offer congratulations to the following:

Lady Hallie – Bestowed an Award of Arms during court at Black Axe, May 4, 2024.

Baron Erik Martel – Induction into the Order of the Velvet Owl* during court at Meridian Challenge of Arms, February 24, 2024.

Baroness Gwenndolynn ní hÁilleacháin – Induction into the Fellowship of Saint Orion* during court at Magna Faire December 2, 2023.

THLady Aine inghean ui Sheaghdha – Magna Faire Champion* 2023 announced during court at Magna Faire December 2, 2023.

THLord Inigo Montoya de CastillaMagna Faire Premier Entry* 2023 announced during court at Magna Faire December 2, 2023.

Baroness Genevieve Alaiz d’Avignon – Induction into the Order of the Scarlet Star* during court following feast at Fall Crown List, November 11, 2023.

Maestra Magdalena da Parma – Induction into the Order of the Scarlet Star* during court following feast at Fall Crown List, November 11, 2023.

Sir Cairbre mac Síomaigh – Inducted into the Barony of The Osprey’s Order of the Sable Athanor* during court at Gatalop October 28, 2023.

Baroness Celestine de Chatham – Inducted into the Barony of The Osprey’s  Order of the Sable Athanor* during court at Gatalop October 28, 2023.

THLord Iain MacArthur – Inducted into the Order of the Sable Sword* during court at Meridian Grand Tournament, September 30, 2023.

Milord Tronson – Recognized for service by the Barony of Thor’s Mountain during court by the Barony of Thor’s Mountain at Crown List, May 28, 2023.

Lady Alis Talemasche – Awarded Sable Axe*during Iron Mountain court and the Meridian Cross during Meridian court at Black Axe, May 6, 2023.

Baroness Rondalynne Seren – Elevation to the Order of the Pelican during court at Coronation April 1, 2023.

Baroness Caterina Angelique Coeur Noir – Awarded Sable Axe*during Iron Mountain court at Gulf Wars, March 17.

Baroness Marianna Cristina Tirado de Aragon – Awarded Sable Axe* during Iron Mountain court at Midwinter, February 4, 2023.

Baroness Rhonwyn Alyna nic an Chrosain – Awarded Sable Axe* during Iron Mountain court at Midwinter, February 4, 2023.

Domina Vitruvia Drusilla – Awarded Sable Axe* during Iron Mountain court at Meridian War College, January 28, 2023.

Baron Margery of Crosgate – Awarded Sanguine Mountain* during court at Magna Faire, December 3, 2022.

Baron Kojin the Wayfarer – Awarded Sanguine Mountain* during court at Magna Faire, December 3, 2022.

Cairbre mac Siomaigh – Awarded Chivalrous Dove* during court at Magna Faire, December 3, 2022.

Lady Ailith de Steddanham – Awarded Cygnet’s Nest* during court at Castle Wars, November 19, 2022.

Dame Adelaide Colette de Monferrer – Awarded Herald Extraordinary* during court at Fall Crown List, November 12, 2022.

Baron Erik Martel – Elevation to the Order of the Pelican during court at Kingdom Arts and Sciences / Crown, May 28, 2022.

Barony of Iron Mountain – Awarded the Crown’s Favor during court at Black Axe, May 7, 2022.

Sir Cairbre mac Siomagh – Induction into the Barony of Iron Mountain’s Sable Axe during court at Black Axe, May 7, 2022.

Mistress Celestine de Chatham – Induction into the Barony of Iron Mountain’s Sable Axe during court at Black Axe, May 7, 2022.

Lady Emma Wyatt – Induction into the Barony of Iron Mountain’s Sable Axe during court at Black Axe, May 7, 2022.

Baroness Rondalynne Seren – Induction into the Order of the Scarlet Star* during Law Court at Spring Coronation, April 2, 2022.

The Honorable Lord Iain MacArthur – Induction into the Order of the Bough* during court at Meridian War College / Fighter’s Collegium, January 29, 2022.

The Honorable Lord Idris al-Farras – Awarded the White Wolf during court at Meridian War Colledge / Fighter’s Collegium 2022, January 29. 2022.

Dame Adelaide Colette de Monferrer – Induction into the Order of the Velvet Owl* during Virtual Court at Magna Faire, December 11, 2021.

Duchess Katrina of Iron Mountain –  Induction into the Order of the Bough* during Virtual Court at Magna Faire, December 11, 2021.

THLady Min Soo YunMagna Faire Champion* during Virtual Court at Magna Faire, December 11, 2021.

Mistress Jane WolfdenMagna Faire Premier Entry* during Virtual Court at Magna Faire December 11, 2021.

*Fellowship of Saint Orion: Given to those who successfully served as a Territorial Baron and/or Baroness for the Kingdom of Meridies, and has demonstrated Excellence and Grace during their tenure, and demonstrated a strong leadership role for their Barony, and demonstrated knowledge of courtly graces and obedience to the laws, traditions, and ideals of Meridies and the Society.

*Herald Extraordinary –In the 16th Year of the Society, Wilhelm von Schlüssel, Laurel King of Arms, sought to recognize those heralds who had greatly served their kingdom’s College of Heralds and the Society’s College of Arms, and who had, as well, achieved the highest level of competence in heraldry. To do so, he created the rank of Herald Extraordinary. Wilhelm Laurel charged the Principal Heralds of each kingdom with the responsibility for elevating deserving heralds to this rank and gave them the privilege of granting those heralds the right to a personal heraldic title; that is, one vested in the herald’s own person rather than in the territory that they serve.

*Magna Faire Champion – The Magna Faire Champion is the entrant with the highest point average of the entrants with multiple entries. The individual with the most entries is not necessarily the Magna Faire Champion. The Fairecrat will determine who is Champion. In the case of a tie, the Baron and Baroness, or their designee, will break the tie. In addition to the wordfame that comes with such a high honor, the Magna Faire Champion receives free admission to Iron Mountain baronial events for one year, as well as any other prizes the Fairecrat may give.

*Magna Faire Premier Entry – The Baron and Baroness, or others at their invitation, will choose the one entry (static or performance) which they feel is the most noteworthy. In addition to the wordfame that comes with such a high honor, the Premier Entry receives a worthy prize.

*Order of the Bough, Meridies: given to those who have served the kingdom well and faithfully, above and beyond normal expectations, and who have consistently displayed courtesy and chivalry in an exemplary manner. Those who live outside the boundaries of the kingdom may be given this award for meritorious service to Meridies, no matter what their citizenship status. Companions of the order may place the initials CBM after their names. The order’s badge is Sable, in pale the Lombardic uppercase letter M argent and a tree branch couped fesswise reversed to sinister Or.

*Order of the Cygnet’s Nest  – The Order of the Cygnet’s Nest is awarded by the Kingdom of Meridies to those who have worked tirelessly on the behalf of children.

*Order of the Pelican – Members strive to attain a standard of service which is above and beyond that normally expected of members of the Society. They are charged with setting an example of courtesy and chivalrous conduct, respecting the Crown of the kingdom; to support and uphold the Laws of the kingdom and Corpora, (if in fealty) supporting and upholding the Crown of his or her kingdom, enriching the kingdom by sharing his or her knowledge and skills, and advising the Crown on the advancement of candidates for the Pelican.

*Order of the Scarlet Star: given to those who have served the kingdom well and faithfully, above and beyond normal expectations, by consistently and successfully administrating a number of Society events and/or feasts. Companions of the order may place the initials CSR after their names. The order’s badge is Sable, a mullet gules fimbriated between two pallets argent.

*Order of the Velvet Owl: given to those who have shown outstanding skill and accomplishment in the arts and sciences, who have imparted those skills to the populace of Meridies by regular teaching and sharing of ability in their particular specialty, and who have consistently displayed courtesy and chivalry in an exemplary manner. Companions of the order may place the initials CVO after their names. The order’s badge is: (Fieldless) An owl’s head cabossed within and conjoined to an annulet argent.

*Sable Axe – The Barony of Iron Mountain’s service award. The Sable Axe is bestowed to those who have given of their time and efforts in service to the Barony of Iron Mountain.

*Sanguine Mountain – The Barony of Iron Mountain’s highest service award is bestowed on those who have offered tireless and extraordinary service to the Barony.